Team building for 130 participants
Mary Ines Velazquez
Human Resources
— Montes del Plata —
Team building for 80 participants
“Working with Fernando Gómez was an experience that we will never forget as a team!
We take advantage of our New Year's Eve event to include a drum workshop. He got involved in what we wanted to communicate, how to experience team ideas.
He suggested many ideas and was very flexible working with our requirements.
We had great expectations about how the dynamics were going to take place and how the participants were going to react, and it was exactly what we needed: joy, listening to the other, team awareness, coordination, building together.
The energy that was experienced during the workshop was exceptional.
Jimena, HR Manager Bonset
“It was a playful activity that stimulates an understanding of theoretical content and favors the development of related skills.
The knowledge acquired around Communication, Leadership and Teamwork is put into practice.
Different percussion instruments are used that promote the exchange of experiences and the construction of teams by the participants. It is facilitated by Fernando Gómez, musician, teacher and Director of Tamborilearte, who has carried out this type of activity for national and international, public and private companies from 2006 to date. “
Frederic Kuzzel
Manager KPMG
Team building 46 participants
«The experience we lived with Fernando was very rich for several reasons: it allowed us to share something at the same time all together in the key of listening and construction, as we would like to live it every day sharing the daily work. So it was a sobering experience. The concepts of listening, cooperation, managing and accepting the rhythm of the group over the individual are made clear before our eyes through experience. All concepts are lived.!!!!
Andres Bergeret
Through very good management of the group and a lot of charisma, Fernando manages to integrate everyone into the activity despite their different abilities. It is also clear that there is a background to the activity and it is very easy to grasp it. Like each one from our side we come to contribute to the symphony of all.
Pedro Bertón – PSS Manager
Puerto Sauce
Petrobras 80 participants
The choice to put this playful activity as the finishing touch at our annual meeting with all our Collaborators was totally successful. It reflected what we needed for the moment of transition that we are experiencing in the company.
It was a dynamic where, guided by Fernando Gómez (musician, teacher and Director of Tamborilearte), Leadership, Communication and Teamwork, among other formal concepts, were explored.
In this way. With good vibes, joy and a lot of energy, we reinforce that you have to know how to listen to the other, be aware of how necessary it is to work as a team and good coordination, to be able to build together, without individualism.
We show that together we can achieve it.!
Thank you very much Fernando, it was an excellent experience for our entire TEAM, until next time!
Jorge Zambra – Human Resources Coordinator
Alicia Viña – Human Resources Assistant
Petrobras Uruguay Distribution S.A.
CEIBAL, 55 participantes
Fernando le dio el cierre perfecto a nuestra reunión final de cierre de año. Luego de una jornada de trabajo de presentaciones y desafíos futuros, tuvimos el tiempo de distendernos y hacer fluir nuestra energía como equipo, entendiendo que la escucha, la comunicación y coordinación es fundamental cuando buscamos un objetivo común. Nos enfrentamos a lo desconocido, fuimos ganando confianza en la medida que adquiríamos experiencia con el tambor y culminamos en un final maravilloso que no olvidaremos. Gracias Tamborilearte por la profesionalidad y por ayudarnos a descubrir lo mejor de nosotros mismos! Gracias nuevamente y hasta pronto !
Bankingly, 75 participantes